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Pea and Broccoli Pesto with Crispy-Skinned Barramundi

Soak the cashews the day before you want to make this recipe, so they’re ready to go whenever you are.

Prep Time

    •    Prep time: 15 minutes
    •    Cook time: 10 minutes
    •    Yield: Serves 4


    •    120ml olive oil
    •    ¼ cup mint leaves
    •    2 tsps lemon juice
    •    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    •    1 cup (150g) frozen peas
    •    ½ cup (80g) raw cashews
    •    ½ cup (40g) grated parmesan
    •    4 x 200g skin-on barramundi fillets
    •    150g frozen broccoli, (or fresh broccoli chopped into florets)

Tomato and herb salad with goat's cheese:

    •    Mixed fresh herbs
    •    100g goat’s cheese
    •    Large pinch of sugar
    •    ¼ cup (60ml) olive oil
    •    2 tbsps white balsamic vinegar
    •    700g mixed tomatoes, thickly sliced (use a mixture of styles and types of tomatoes, such as red, kumato, green, large and cherry tomatoes)


  1. Place cashews in a bowl and cover with cold water. Soak for 3 hours or overnight. Drain.

  2. To make the salad, combine oil, vinegar and sugar in a jug and season. Place the tomatoes in a large shallow bowl and drizzle with the dressing. Set aside for 20 minutes to let the flavours develop.

  3. Transfer the tomatoes to a platter. Crumble over the goat’s cheese and scatter with herbs. Drizzle with a little dressing from the bowl.

  4. For the pesto and barramundi, place broccoli and peas in a microwavesafe bowl. Add 1 tbs water and cover with plastic wrap. Microwave on high for 4 minutes or until tender. Drain and set aside.

  5. Dry skin of the fish with paper towel then sprinkle with salt. Pour 2 tbs oil into a cold non-stick frypan. Arrange fish in the pan, skin-side down. Place over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes or until skin is crisp and golden. Turn and cook for 2 minutes or until fish flakes when tested with a fork.

  6. Blitz the cashews, broccoli and peas, parmesan, mint and garlic in a food processor until coarsely chopped. With the motor running, add the remaining olive oil in a thin, steady stream until well combined. Blend in the lemon juice. Season.

  7. Transfer the pesto to serving plates. Arrange the fish on top, sprinkle with a little sea salt and serve with salad.

This great family recipe is thanks to delicious Recipe at


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