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Salmon Citrus & Berry Bake

This simple recipe is a great dish to get everyone together and keep warm through the winter months. The beautiful cranberries and citrus fruits hold their colours through the cooking process giving this dish a wonderful pop of colour and makes the perfect eye-catching centerpiece for a group dining experience.

The sweetness of the berries paired with the tart citrus flavour balance perfectly and compliment the salmon to give a succulent flavorful experience for your guests.

Prep Time

        Prep time: 10 minutes
        Cook time: 25 minutes
        Yield: Serves 4 - 6


        5 tbsps honey
        5 tbsps olive oil
        salt and pepper
        1 cup mixed berries
        1/2 orange - thinly sliced
        1 1/2 tbsp mustard seeds
        1 1/4 cup fresh cranberries
        1 small lime - juice and zest
        1 whole fillet salmon - skin on
        1 large Naval orange - juice and zest


  1. Preheat over to 160 °C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine honey, olive oil, mustard seeds, juice and zest of orange and lime, capers, mixed berries and cranberries, whisk to combine.
  3. Place salmon fillet in a large baking dish or tray, skin side down. Scatter orange/lime slices across the salmon. Pour the sauce + berry mixture across the top of the salmon. Sprinkle generously with sea salt and cracked pepper.
  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through (note: cooking time varies depending on size of the fillet). Garnish with thyme, salt and pepper if required before dishing up.

This great family recipe is thanks to Huon Aqua at


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