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Barramundi & Herbed Couscous with Honeynut Squash & Spiced Labneh

Egyptian dukkah is a warming blend of herbs and spices that flavors the sauce for tonight’s recipe. Our inspired blend features fragrant ground coriander, nutty black sesame seeds, and za’atar (itself a blend of herbs and spices). The bright sauce is equally delicious spooned over crispy barramundi and raisin-studded couscous, or our sweet side of roasted honeynut squash.

Prep Time

    •    Prep and cook time: 35 minutes
    •    Yield: Serves 2


    •    1 lemon
    •    4 oz spinach
    •    2 cloves garlic
    •    1 bunch parsley
    •    1/2 cup couscous
    •    1 honeynut squash
    •    1/4 cup labneh cheese
    •    1 1/2 tbsps golden raisins
    •    2 skin-on barramundi fillets
    •    1 tsp Dukkah spice blend (Za'atar, Ground Coriander, Ground Fennel Seeds, Ground Cumin, & Black Sesame Seeds)


  1. Prepare & roast the squash: Place your oven rack in the center of the oven, then preheat to 450°F. Wash and dry the squash. Quarter lengthwise. Using a spoon, scoop out and discard the pulp and seeds. Place on a sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Turn to thoroughly coat. Roast, flipping halfway through, 24 to 26 minutes, or until lightly browned and tender when pierced with a fork. Remove from the oven; transfer to a serving dish. Set aside in a warm place.

  2. Prepare the remaining ingredients & make the sauce: While the squash roasts, wash and dry the remaining fresh produce. Rougly chop the parsley leaves and stems. Quarter and deseed the lemon. Peel the garlic; roughly chop 1 clove. Finely chop the remaining clove; using the flat side of your knife, smash until it resembles a paste (or use a zester). In a bowl, combine the labneh, spice blend, the juice of 1 lemon wedge, as much of the garlic paste as you'd like, and a drizzle of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

  3. Cook the cousous: While the squash continues to roast, in a small pot, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the chopped garlic; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until fragrant. Add the couscous and 1 cup of water (be careful, as the liquid may splatter). Season with salt and pepper. Heat to boiling on high. Once boiling, cover and turn off the heat. Let stand 6 to 8 minutes, or until the water has been absorbed and the couscous is tender. Fluff the cooked couscous with a fork. Stir in the raisins, the juice of 2 lemon wedges, half the parsley, and a drizzle of olive oil. Cover and set aside in a warm place.

  4. Cook the barramundi: While the couscous cooks, pat the barramundi fillets dry with paper towels; season with salt and pepper on both sides. In a medium pan (nonstick, if you have one), heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil on medium-high until hot. Add the seasoned fillets, skin side down. Cook 3 to 5 minutes on the first side, or until the skin is lightly browned and crispy. Flip and cook 2 to 3 minutes, or until lightly browned and cooked through. Turn off the heat. Leaving any browned bits (or fond) in the pan, transfer to a plate. Set aside in a warm place.

  5. Cook the spinach: Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil to the pan of reserved fond; heat on medium-high until hot. Add the spinach; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, 1 to 2 minutes, or until wilted. Turn off the heat. Stir in the juice of the remaining lemon wedge.

  6. Finish the couscous & plate your dish: Stir the cooked spinach into the pot of cooked couscous; season with salt and pepper to taste. Divide the finished couscous and cooked barramundi fillets between 2 dishes. Serve with the roasted squash and sauce on the side. Garnish with the remaining parsley. Enjoy!

This great family recipe is thanks to Blue Apron Recipes at


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