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Roasted Huon Salmon with Sprouted Broccoli, Lemon and Almonds

Who doesn’t love a tray baked dinner? Huon Salmon, greens, lemon and almonds popped in the oven, dinner’s ready in 20 minutes.

Prep Time

    •    Prep time: 10 minutes
    •    Cook time: 30 minutes
    •    Yield: Serves 4


    •    140g Fresh Huon Salmon portions - skin on
    •    2 bunches of Sprouted broccoli, dry ends trimmed
    •    Juice and zest of 1 lemon
    •    50g Butter, melted
    •    1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley


  1. Preheat oven to 200°C
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
  3. Mix the lemon juice and butter in a small bowl. Arrange the sprouted broccoli the salmon portions pour over the lemon and butter mix, then sprinkle with lemon zest and a little salt.
  4. Cook for eight minutes, then remove from oven and gently toss everything around so it’s all nicely covered in the lemony buttery juices. Scatter the almonds on top and return to the oven for another five minutes. Remove from oven, add the parsley and serve.

This great family recipe is thanks to Huon Aqua Recipes at


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